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Many B2B meetings between SYENMAINT and the various companies interested in SYENMAINT® PLATFORM for the management of predictive and integrated maintenance, in the context of Industry 4.0: Rita Casalini, Franco Stivali, Pietro Urbano Mimmo, Pierpaolo Gambini, Raffaello Sernicola, Irene Lo Vecchio, PhD, Jürgen Weinreich, Xavier Mallet, Marco Zanzotera, Luigi Mercuri, Vittorio Costa, Alfred Bader, Oliver Bey, Nevena Bacheva, Sandra Winkler, Maximilian von der Ahé, LL.M., Christian Schiller, Luciano De Propris PhD, Daniela Dubla, Robert M. Häusler

SYENMAINT thanks: Valentina Sorgato, Pierantonio Macola, Alessandra Trivellato, Ilaria Capoti, Regione Campania, Sviluppo Campania Spa, Valeria Fascione, Nunzia Arillo, Campania NewSteel, ITA – Italian Trade Agency, Gabriella Coppola, Francesco Bellofatto, Diletta Capissi, Alessandro Testa, Paola Ciaramella, Chiara Piscitelli

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